New to nooma?

Welcome! You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

We believe that movement will connect you. That this connection brings about understanding and recognition, and finally, brings us strength, grace and acceptance for where we each are in this moment.

Arriving for your first class.

We know it can be hard to walk in the front door- that’s why we will meet you there! We will give you a tour through the studio and walk you to your mat.

What do you bring for class? Just yourself and a water bottle. We provide everything you need for your class including your original nooma mat and towels, no charge. Simply come and let go!

How are our studios lit? We practice in deep, colored lights or by candlelight. We strive to give you a space where you have the freedom to experience a profound change in your mind, body, and spirit.

What to wear.

We recommend clothing that is sweat-wicking during classes & something soft and comfy after! You will see men and women wearing shorts, tights or leggings, tanks, sleeved shirts & sports bras.

Shop the latest hand-picked favorites- all sweat-tested the nooma way.

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Our Classes

Our original classes, unique to nooma, are crafted with different intentions in movement, but one intention in purpose: to bring you back to yourself. Find you with us.

Your practice may start out as a challenge. Some movements will be unfamiliar. Some moments will be hard. Yet like any investment in you, it gets easier with time. And the return? Greater than you could imagine.

Check out our Inst.

Enjoy 50% off your first month

One of the best ways to experience us as a new client, is to try all of our classes (did we mention there are twelve?) and to have the opportunity to try them more than once. This month begins at your first class check-in and expires after 30 days. There are no strings attached.

Why do you have 12 different class styles? Because our minds and bodies are different day to day, so why would our movement be the same? Our classes are a mix of yoga, Pilates, weight training, cardio, barre, and dance—infused with mindful movement and focused breathwork. It’s this balance between intensity and release that makes us so effective.

Nooma is an environment where how you feel is valued more than how you look. We don’t sweat appearances, but you can expect to sweat mindfully and abundantly. Our movements are low impact but achieve profound results.